A Bad Day, Surgery and A New Adventure

Bad days, are really bad. My head is pounding, my eyes hurt, I'm exhausted and weak, I feel like throwing up since I woke up this morning, I can't feed, clean, dress myself, really I can't do much of anything. You should see the editing I'm doing on this too. LOL. I had to cancel seeing my gf who's in from Vancouver, cancel seeing my Dad in the hospital today and cancel seeing my friends in TO whom just had a baby. Days like this are so frustrating. I want to be normal. It's a spoony day. I just used too many spoons up lately and have none left at all for today. (http://www.butyoudontlooksick.com/wpress/articles/written-by-christine/the-spoon-theory/)

I'm in my robe on the couch, eating a shake and not moving because that's all I can do. Everything takes such effort and hurts.

I've been doing too much lately. I need a break. I wish I had a group of helpers on hand at all time, that I didn't feel guilty about using/asking for help. Hopefully resting tonight and canceling with everyone will mean I'll feel better.

I'm having surgery tomorrow too at 7:45am at KW Hospital, which is an hour away. Mornings are very difficult and I'm not looking forward to getting up with how rough I feel today. Hopefully this evening, will be better, especially now that I've made a date with my couch and bed. 

I'm happy to have surgery though and surprisingly don't feel too nervous. I just want to make things better and am happy to do whatever it is I can to do so. I am releasing a special modeling shoot based around my surgery tomorrow but the photo isn't ready yet. It's a surprise project I've had in mind for 2.5 years, so I won't go into too much detail. I don't say this too often but if you could take a few minutes tomorrow and think of me, that would be great. I'll need some luck and some love. 

So that's if for the things I can not do. Let's talk about what I can do. 

I started a market stall at Farmer's market in a local town. It's Wednesday afternoons 3:30-7pm and I can attend when I'm feeling up to it. Mornings are difficult for me and some days I just can't be relied upon at all because I am sick all day, like today, case in point. I was trying to find something I can do that would allow me to be productive and meaningful in my life. I am selling my photography prints, my homemade cards and my pyrography signs (aka wood burning). I over did it to start out because I had to prepare so much. Thus from the aforementioned shoot and the prep for market and my first day at the market yesterday, I am out of commission. I've done too much in the last three weeks but I did something, a couple things that do and will mean a lot to me for a long time to come and I started something that will hopefully give me some independence.  

Got too sick to properly set up. Next week hopefully it will be easier.

Forgot to take a proper photo of my booth but this was my view at the end of the day looking out. Prints on the table and in bins while the corners are held down by my business card stands. Definitely need new display format for these. All the ones on display were the ones that people looked at. The ones in boxes were only sometimes glanced at. 

As usual I'm a mixed bag of tricks in terms of emotions, physical health and my life in general but I think I'm heading in the right direction. 

Pyrography signs (aka wood burning signs). Excuse the weird blue glow from the sun in the background. I have to make a few more pieces to sell for next week and have the custom examples with a much bigger label. Any ideas for new signs? Anyone need a sign? I have canadian pine, red mahogany, black walnut and now an ebony stain. Obviously "Man Cave" was the favourite of the day.

My handmade cards at the market. Have to come up with a better display set up next time but I'm happy with the cards and got lots of compliments.

I was able to make 20 cards for the market.

One of the cards I made for the market.

Another card. Added string to hold the envelopes and cards together.

I really enjoyed making the cards, prints and pyrography. It's quite soothing, well when it's not so rushed. I'll keep you updated on how it goes.



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