When my POTS first became debilitating I was in Uni. I had fallen and hit my head. I had severe whiplash and a major concussion. I am thankful it wasn't a worse injury like paralysis or permanent brain damage. After 8 months of thinking my "post concussion" would get better and it didn't I went on medical leave that is only allowed for a max of 2 terms equal to 8 months at my university. At the end I was not better and I had to leave school. I was told the university says that I must re-apply within 2 years of leaving to allow my courses to still count, otherwise I would of had to of started over. That May after leaving school I was officially diagnosed with POTS, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome.
So last fall, Nov. 2013 I had a meeting with the heads of my program about my need to return in May 2014. I was told I could have extra time if I needed it to return. My advisor was still on sabbatical until Sept 2014. So I felt that I couldn't give up all the work I had done. I knew I might not be able to be an architect or work in the future but the piece of paper meant a lot to me. I decided to return to school. I technically started a month ago and have honestly not done much yet aside from sorting out the bureaucracy and collecting my newest thesis thoughts together for my advisor meeting.
Architecture School |
I am so scared that the pain will get in the way. I got sick in the first meeting with my advisor but I pushed through. I know I can do this but I want it to not take 10 years, to not kill myself doing it and I don't have the money to spend a fortune on tuition for all time (well more like a lifetime of student loans). Anyways ... I'm back and I'm doing it. All one can do is try. I can do this!
Nervously walking into school. |
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