A Shower: My Old Friend, My New Enemy

Image from: observationsbymissoakley.blogspot.ca

This is the image I see in my head when I think of having a shower. Ugh. The heat and the standing is always so awful. I get dizzy, nauseous and flushed and I just want it over with before I even start. I tend to now bathe in the bathtub so much more often than I shower. It used to be the opposite by far. Baths were candlelit, with bubbles and wine and were all about relaxing. I didn't think I would ever get to a point like this in my life where I didn't want to shower. I sit down during most showers now and if I don't start sitting I definitely end up sitting. I try to stand a bit here and there to get the blood flowing and to work my muscles but it doesn't last long. I don't want to faint or get too dizzy in the shower and fall. No more damage to my brain, please and thank you. Think of when you run a really long race or when you just played the hardest game of your life in whatever sport you enjoy, you are thoroughly exhausted, you've pushed your body to the max, your face is all red, you feel dizzy and you could go to sleep immediately. You do not have the normal rush of energy from the activity. That is what I feel in the shower. Even the heat of the bath can be a bit much as well. I wish there was some sort of miracle "insta-clean" out there. At least I can bathe myself even if it is awful and takes forever. I would die of humiliation and anger from lack of independence, if I couldn't at all. That much I am thankful for.


  1. I can't remember the last time I had a bath. I'd be lost without quick 'refresher' showers...boo! Do you have some handles installed?

  2. No we do not. We don't own the place, so I can't. They have to be screwed in to the wall.


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